Deadly Labs


The Deadly Labs project will build on the philosophy of DeadlyScience to preserve the history of the First Scientists of this land. This will be achieved by empowering young Indigenous children with culturally appropriate scientific knowledge in the form of a kit.

This project will cover development, production, and distribution of an at-home or in-class experimental kit for children in remote communities. The kit will be created with an Indigenous community and the community Elders that we consult with will have autonomy within the project and influence over its direction. Each kit will contain an experiment, activity worksheet and video workshop. An expert scientist from the relevant discipline will feature in each kit. These kits will celebrate science and scientists in order to enhance engagement with science education.

By providing these children with experimental kits we will promote interest and engagement of science during early learning, and create pathways for up-coming scientists to emerge from these rural communities. The kits will be made accessible to younger scientists, lower literacy groups, and less resourced communities.

By providing these children with experimental kits we will promote interest and engagement of science during early learning, and create pathways for up-coming scientists to emerge from these rural communities. 
Corey Tutt

The DeadlyLabs project will engage Indigenous community elders, interns, remote school teachers and our core team of expert STEM legends and science communicators.

In addition to this novel approach to developing and delivering resources and science kits, DeadlyScience has also undertaken a culturally appropriate approach to gathering data to measure the impact of this project. This project will be the first to collect culturally appropriate metrics on science education in Indigenous communities.

Deadly Labs Kits

Deadly Labs – Soap Kits

Find out more about our Deadly Labs project in collaboration with Merck and the deadly learners of Robinson River School.

Deadly Labs – Kickin’ It

Find out more about our Kickin’ It Deadly Labs Kit, created in collaboration with the young people in Acmena Youth Justice Centre as well as community Elders.

Deadly Labs – Tagai

This kit will be created with the learners and community members in Tagai State college in the Torres Strait.