DeadlyScience Awards

2022 Deadly Junior Scientist WINNERS

There were so many amazing applications. Everyone who was nominated is most certainly a deadly junior scientist, mathematician, engineer or techonologist. Congratulations to the students below who are our 2022 Deadly Junior Scientist winners. All medals and prizes were kindly sponsored by the Australian Space Agency and acknowledge the next generation of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander STEM professionals.

Western Australia
Purnululu Aboriginal Independent Community School – Amelia Clifton Pinday for deadly science
Jameson Campus, Ngaanyatjarra Lands School – Quindarius McKay for deadly engineering

Northern Territory
Kalkaringi School – Sharifah Inverway for deadly technology
Minyerri School – Dazdon Daylight for deadly science

Allora State School – Will Ballangarry for deadly science
Allora State School – Eleanore Briggs for deadly science

New South Wales
St Brigids Primary School Raymond Terrace – Ky Bennett for deadly technology
St Brigid’s Primary School – Harmony Grace-Griffiths for deadly science

Deadly Junior Scientists across Australia

Montello Primary School (TAS)

Congratulations Amelia on winning the Young Deadly Scientist Award for your work with trail cameras! Amelia was awarded a pair of binoculars. She says will use them when she goes out on Country to find kangaroos. Thank you to our DeadlyScience schools for supporting science in remote schools!

2022 DeadlySTEM Educators WINNERS

Announcing the award winners of our prestigious annual awards for Deadly STEM teachers.

Community members nominated teachers in late 2022, and the winning teachers and assistant teachers showcase outstanding dedication to inspiring and building the future generation of STEM professionals. Congratulations to everyone nominated for your deadly work in the classroom and on-country. The winning teachers for each state and territory are…

Thanks to the Australian Space Agency for supporting these awards.

NT – Bulkunu (Valerie) Garrawurra of Shepherdson College, in particular, for teaching students to ask questions confidently about the world around them and reach conclusions through both Yolngu and Western scientific explanations

WA – Samantha Dalton of Dawul Remote Community School for involving the wider community to instil a love of learning not just in the students but also in the community and for her dedication to Two-Way Maths teaching and learning

QLD – Laura Loucks of Tagai State College, Thursday Island for her innovative ways of encouraging students to become engaged in STEM across 16 campuses

NSW – Elise Thornthwaite of Condobolin Public School for being a deadly role model and teaching on-country so students can explore their surroundings through a science lens with an Aboriginal perspective

ACT – Samantha MacKenzie of Harrison School for her use of Indigenous technologies and inspiring students to investigate and use Indigenous technologies themselves

TAS – Daniel Edwards of Montello Primary School, in particular, for the excursion to learn about Sea Country and generally for all the outstanding programs he develops and offers the students to engage with STEM

VIC – Suzanna Besim of KCLC Early Learning Centre for taking the initiative to start the engagement of pre-schoolers with First Nations Scientists and their discoveries throughout history


Chris Errington (Robinson River, NT)

Paul Butters (Purnululu, WA)

Patsy Anne (Robinson River, NT)